Workrite ™ Corner Keyboard Platform | 188

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Curved Corner Combo Keyboard Platform 188

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188 Corner Combo Platform
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b=2 1/2"
c=11 1/2"
d=11 1/2"

7 lbs.

Classic C-188
Classic Split-Pad C-488
Ultra-Thin™ U-188
U-Thin™ Split-Pad U-488
A compact combination keyboard/mouse platform for workstations with limited space. Designed to fit the following corners:
12" or wider diagonal (with 3170 Pinnacle adjustable arms).
17" or wider diagonal (with 170-TG or 3170 Pinnacle adjustable arms).
90° corners converted with optional corner diagonal model 179 with the 3170 or 170 adjustable arms.
Mouse operation on right or left.
Models: 188 Workrite ™ Corner Combo Keyboard Platform
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