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Omni Massage Roller

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omni rollers in available 4 colors The Omni Massage Roller provides a stimulating, deep tissue massage, anywhere, anytime. Use this portable massager on any part of your own body or share it with a friend. Designed for professional and home users, The Omni Roller has been tested and approved by Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists and Sports Trainers nationwide.

How To Use The Omni

  • Feel Better Fast! Begin by apply pressure then roll the ball in circular motions all around the desired area, adding pressure as needed. Use two hands for even more pressure. With just a little practice you will be able to identify the exact spot that needs massaging and you will feel the relief as your OMNI Massage Roller relaxes, soothes, and loosens the muscle tissue, bringing about improved circulation, natural pain relief and healing to the area.

  • Cleans Easily! For light clean up simply spray with a mild household cleaner and wipe dry. For heavier buildups of massage oils and creams, soak inn warm soapy water and rinse clean. Allow to drain and towel dry.

  • GlidePoint Massager: we used to offer a brand like this called the GlidePoint Massager. It had a handle and looked a little different. The Glidepoint is no longer available to us.
Roll Away the Aches and Pains Associated with Stress and Tension! Order your Omni Massage Roller Today!
BackBeNimble Shopping Cart Order Form Omni Massage Roller
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Quantity:    $12.50 each

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Using the omni roller
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